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Very cool map generation :)

Thanks! I lucked out and found some great resources from

If you are interested in learning Godot I highly recommend their stuff (a lot of which is free).

This is dope. Really cool to see the proc gen at launch followed by zooming into the spawn location. Haven't got out but I found the title in game :DForest Of The Forevers

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Thanks, glad you found the title. It is currently always in the top left corner in the foreground.

one thing I want to do in a future iteration is have it be in a parallax background on the very first room you enter.

PS there is no way out... πŸ™ƒ


Proc-gen platforming is always impressive to me as its quite hard to make sure it ends up playable.  This game is hard, by it definately feels possible.

I agree with the previous comment, it hard to know what what im doing, or how to progress.  Perhaps checkpoints would help with this?

Good job though!


> Perhaps checkpoints would help with this?

I have gone back and forth with how to leverage checkpoints for a rouge(like/lite)/proc-gen platformer such as this.

It was on the roadmap to play around with lighting, and one idea I had is that once a certain room is entered (halfway/checkpoint), the path back to the start is now fully illuminated.

Appreciate the feedback.

The procedural generation is very impressive! The maps were a little too large though and it was unclear where I was supposed to go. Maybe add a minimap?

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thanks for the feedback! part of the idea was to leave the goal intentionally vague to encourage exploration.

I ran out of time to flesh this out. I wanted some prefab rooms off of the goal path that contained cool visuals and maybe collectables. If I had more time, my plan was to use lighting as a means to guide to the exit.

πŸ‘on the too large maps. With no collectables the number of rooms is too much.

(PS I brought down the rooms from 8x6 to 4x3, and it seems to have a much better vibe)